Programming with Ozobots (5-7 years)

Learn the basics of programming with Ozobot colour codes and discover how we use robots to help us work at CERN.
Robots are used for many tasks at CERN. For example, they are used to move heavy objects and sensitive equipment, allowing scientists to work more safely and efficiently. They are also used in different environments at CERN that are difficult to access or where it might be dangerous to humans.
In this workshop, participants will experience hands-on learning with a small educational robot, the Ozobot, and learn how to program robots just like engineers at CERN! The workshop gives participants an overview of how the Ozobot works and introduces them to Ozobot colour codes as an introduction to programming.
5-7 years
45 minutes
Up to 30 languages for groups, depending on guide availability.
12 to 24
Pushchair and wheelchair accessible.