Guided tours for families and individual visitors

If you visit on your own, with your family or friends our daily guided tours are offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Connect to our exclusive web app when arriving at Science Gateway to check guided tour availabilites and to register.
Discover CERN’s first accelerator, the synchrocyclotron, installed back in 1957. Learn about the most important moments of CERN’s history and how the Laboratory became a model for international collaboration. Real objects from a typical workplace reconstruct life at CERN in the late 1950s, when computers and digital cameras didn’t exist. Wonder at the beautiful 3D video mapping that brings the synchrocyclotron back to life!
Have you ever heard of the Higgs boson? Its discovery in 2012, at CERN, completed the theory that explains the visible Universe around us, and led to a Nobel prize. Learn more about this fascinating particle, about the research and the people behind its discovery on a guided tour of the control centre of the ATLAS experiment, one of the two experiments at CERN that discovered the Higgs boson. Navigate through an interactive exhibition and look in on physicists who take shifts 24h/7 in the control room.
Important information on availability
Given very high demand and limited capacity, about only 10% of Science Gateway visitors will get a place in a guided tour or lab workshop. Bookings are available on a first-come, first-served basis, at the time of bookings opening and upon availability. It is advised to come in the morning to increase your chances to get a booking but note that the bookings open to all present visitors at the same time, regardless of their arrival time. More guided tours for families and individual visitors are available during the Summer and on Sundays.
There are no underground visit for families and individual visitors and the underground visits are extremely rare for booked groups.
The tunnel of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) cannot be visited.
But we have much more to offer. Check here.