Discover CERN online

If you cannot come to CERN, it is still possible to learn about CERN, its facilities and its research from the comfort of your own home. 

Here is a non-exhaustive list of the resources available online. You can also find many more resources for teachers and students on our educational resources but also on

We have found 52 resources
Explore CERN in this world built within the game platform Minecraft using 3D blocks
YouTuber "J'm'énerve pas, j'explique" tells us how the LHC works
Discover CERN in an interactive presentation from the comfort of your home
Immersive web documentary in French by CNRS and CEA about dark matter
Heinz Greuiling from Quark visits CERN and tells us about the Big Bang
Get an immersive introduction to LHC (in French)
Fred and Jamie from "C'est pas sorcier" explain the LHC to kids
Visit the LHC and the CMS experiment with this virtual reality clip in French
A video about the LHC in Spanish by Curso de física
Comic book about the ALICE collaboration
YouTuber David Louapre from "ScienceEtonnante" talks about the LHC
Learn about the High-Luminosity LHC with YouTuber Trace Dominguez (Part I)
Watch the live event from the CMS cavern and witness the installation of the GEM detectors
Short video by Science Channel about the LHC
YouTuber "J'm'énerve pas, j'explique" tell us about particle accelerators
Video about applications of CERN technologies involving medical imaging, by Scilabus
Discover the LHC Computing Grid with this virtual reality clip in French
Learn about the High-Luminosity LHC with YouTuber Trace Dominguez (Part II)
CERN official YouTube channel
Free introductory lectures on quantum computing
Selection of public events to watch (again) at home
Find out which particle fits your personality best
YouTuber Le Grand JD visits CERN and tells us about the birth of the Web
Discover the LHC Computing Grid with this virtual reality clip in English
Recording of a science show about the different states of matter (in French)
Virtual theme park with games, multimedia applications and films for kids
Learn how a particle detector works and help physicists find Higgs bosons!
YouTuber Dominic Walliman from "Domain of Science" explains CERN
TEDxCERN talk by theoretical physicist Gian Giudice
Follow a complete guided tour of the ATLAS experiment with Sascha in 360° video
YouTuber Dianna Cowern from "Physics Girl" visits the CERN Antimatter Factory
Visit the LHC and the CMS experiment with this virtual reality clip in English
YouTube channel ТОПЛЕС / Topless explores quantum physics at CERN
Free-to-download educational books about physics and the ATLAS experiment
Official YouTube channel of the ALICE experiment
Plans and parts lists for you to create LHC detectors at home with LEGO
Official YouTube channel of the ATLAS experiment
CERN official website
Discover the CMS detector with drawings to be coloured in and other activities for kids
Official YouTube channel of the LHCb experiment
A free video game in French for teaching science, by CEA
YouTuber "J'm'énerve pas, j'explique" tells us about accelerators and the limits of physics
A collection of iron-on bead templates inspired by ATLAS physics
A mini-series showing how physicists observe and discover particles
Dr Nozman and le Grand JD find out how to build a particle detector at CERN
Walk through all the CERN sites on the surface and some of its emblematic facilities
Learn about the High-Luminosity LHC with YouTuber Trace Dominguez (Part III)
Educational animated videos in English (with subtitles)
Official YouTube channel of the CMS experiment
Walk through CERN's accelerator chain
Dianna Cowern from "Physics Girl" speaks to CERN theoretical physicists about dark matter